HPA System 3000Psi PT Reg 0,8l alloy, PI certif.
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Check here if this Regulator the perfect fit for your Paintball Marker.
HPA Syst. 3000Psi PT Reg 0,8l alloy, PI certif.
The 0.8 L aluminum bottle is the golden standard HP compressed air solution with 200 bar (3000psi) filling pressure. The lightweight regulator consists of 3.3206 aluminum.
Fact checker - Regulator
Output pressure
Fixed at around 800 psi
Not rotatable, interchangeable (Bonnet), Aluminum (Bonnet)
Safety features
Two burst discs (1800 psi & 7200 psi)
Unique features
Thread saver (plastic), solid packaging (high-gloss cardboard)
Technical Data
Weight 135 g, lenght 40 mm
Max. Pressure
200 Bar / 3000 psi
Fact checker - HPA Tank
Best use
Beginners, Fields, Woodland
Technical Data
0,8l / 48 ci, empty weight 1265 g, length 22,0 cm, diameter 10 cm
Rehydro (PI) all 10 years, max lifespan until rejected
Max. Pressure
200 Bar / 3000 psi