
Inception Designs EZ LPR Pressure Tester Kit

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Inception Designs

Inception Designs EZ LPR Pressure Tester Kit

A special low pressure version of the standard EZ (easy) pressure tester developed by Inception Designs. An absolute MUST HAVE in every toolbox. The pressure gauge shows if your regulator provides the correct output pressure. No more broken solenoids or inline regulators due to broken or inaccurate regulators.

Screw the supplied LPR adapter incl. hose onto the pressure tester. Connect the hose of the LPR adapter to a low-pressure regulator (e.g. Autococker) and close the upper part of the tester. Now the system is pressurized and the easily readable gauge shows you which working pressure your regulator provides.

To degas the EZ pressure gauge, press the silver button (similar to the POPS ASA from Planet Eclipse). The cap pos open and air vents out of the system.


- All hose based low pressure regulators, e.g. Autococker or Intimidator (Timmys)

- EZ Pressure Tester Base
- EZ Pressure Tester LPR Adapter incl. hose
- EZ Pressure Tester 0-180 Psi Gauge

Cheaper than ever!

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