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Destiny Germany goes

The year 2024 hasn't even started yet and we can already announce the next big addition to the Emortal Army.

We are proud to welcome Team Destiny Germany as part of the Emortal Army with immediate effect. The team under Pascal Markus is characterized not only by its excellent newcomer work, but also by the fact that it does not need to hide in higher leagues. Even the World Cup wasn't safe from Destiny Germany.

But back to the beginning. Find out how the team came about and what it's all about in the next section.

Who is Destiny Germany?

In October 2021, 'Pascal Markus' discovered a group of motivated paintball players by coincidence while they were trying their luck in the BZL of the DPL. These paintball players included Bernd Zimmermann, Jason Kreider and Niklas Dohmen. Tobias Linke joined the squad shortly afterwards. From then on, Pascal Markus trained the ambitious beginners and the very next year they competed together in the DPL Regio.

The leap from the BZL to the Regio was not an easy one, but thanks to hard training and good teamwork, they were at least able to upset one or two other teams. The fun of facing more and stronger opponents was definitely awakened. The training was stepped up again.

At the end of 2022, Pascal and his girlfriend Mandy Bertram (known from the Belladonna All Female Paintball Team) flew to America to take part in the World Cup with Destiny Paintball USA.

Together with Bea Paxson, the woman behind Destiny Paintball USA, they discussed dropping the old german team name and joining the Destiny franchise. As a result, Ruthless Castrop-Rauxel became Destiny Germany at the beginning of 2023.

Destiny Germany saw its first influx of new players at the beginning of 2023.

As a result, Destiny started with two squads in the summer EUPL, Sevenum. The first squad finished the season in 1st place and the second squad finished in 6th place (out of a total of 16 teams).

At the end of 2023, the first squad was almost complete at the World Cup in Orlando. There, the boys and girls took 9th place in XBall Div 5 out of a total of 41 teams.

Quite quickly, the 10 founding members of Destiny Germany were joined by more and more players. The team currently comprises a total of 21 team members, divided into three squads, and they always try to find something for everyone (fun players, junior players, ambitious players).

The following is planned for 2024:

  • 1st Squad:
    Pro Division Prime Paintball Series & NXL Semi-Pro in Dreux
  • 2nd Squad:
    EUPL in Adventure Paradise, Sevenum
  • 3rd Squad:
    DPL Bezirksliga

Limited Edtion Team Markierer